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Auch wenn sich Milos zur Ruhe gesetzt und nun mit Frau und Kind eine kleine, glückliche Familie hat: so richtig kann der ehemalige Pornodarsteller mit seiner Vergangenheit nicht abschließen. Das etwas wehmütige Betrachten der alten Werke in Kombination mit einer ausgiebigen Freundschaft zu einem gewissen Jack Daniels lassen ihn schon lange nicht mehr so frisch aussehen wie zu seinen besten Zeiten. Da trifft es sich gut, als sich bei ihm Laylah, eine ehemalige Filmpartnerin, meldet und ein durchaus attraktives Angebot unterbreitet. Es wäre ein letzter großer Film, eine große Sache, die von dem undurchsichtigen Regisseur Vukmir sehr geheimnisvoll aufgezogen wird. Zwar ist es Milos nicht geheuer, dass er nicht weiß, was überhaupt gedreht wird, dennoch geht er nach Rücksprache mit der Ehegattin auf das lukrative Angebot ein.

A Serbian Film (2010)

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Full official filth dubstep soundtrack from ''Srpski film''(eng. Serbian Film) Serbian film is definitely worth a look [18 ]. Genre: (horror,porn,psycho) The

A Serbian Film

A Serbian Film (Serbian: Српски филм Srpski film) is a 2010 Serbian exploitation horror film produced and directed by Srđan Spasojević in his feature film debut. Spasojević also co wrote the film with Aleksandar Radivojević. It tells the story of a financially struggling porn star who agrees to participate in an art film , only to discover that he has been drafted into a snuff

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The Official Website For A Serbian Film

The Official Website for A Serbian Film the controversial movie starring Srdan Todorovic as Milos, a retired porn star who got an offer he couldnt refuse to make one last film

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A Serbian Film 2010

A Serbian Film (2010). In Serbia, the retired porn star Milos is married with his beloved wife Marija and they have a little son, Peter, that is their pride and joy. The family is facing financial difficulties, but out of the blue, Milos is contacted by the porn actress Lejla that offers him a job opportunity in an art film. Milos is introduced to the director Vukmir that offers a millionaire

A Serbian Film Srdjan Todorovic Sergej

A Serbian Film however exceeding what I was expecting and it turned how to be a great film. This is not your average horror flick, this is a movie you will have to cope with during and after. Please be advised and heed the warnings of other reviewers.

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Sinopsis Film Movie A Serbian Film [Srpski film] (2010) Uncut. Milos, a retired porn star, leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film.

A Serbian Film Subtitles English

A Serbian Film Movie Not all films have a happy ending. Original title: Srpski film. Milos, a retired porn star, leads a normal family life trying to make ends meet. Presented with the opportunity of a lifetime to financially support his family for the rest of their lives, Milos must participate in one last mysterious film.

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