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Bekijk The China Syndrome (1979) Volledige Film Online Gratis

Terwijl ze bezig is een serie reportages te maken over alternatieve energiebronnen, is de verslaggeefster Kimberly Wells toevallig getuige van een bijna-ongeluk in een kerncentrale. Wells is vastbesloten om het incident in de openbaarheid te brengen.

The China Syndrome (1979)

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Critics Consensus: With gripping themes and a stellar cast, The China Syndrome is the rare thriller that's as thought provoking as it is tense. 13 MON SENSE Scary, absorbing thriller predicts risks of nuclear power.

The China Syndrome

The China Syndrome is a 1979 American drama neo noir thriller film directed by James Bridges and written by Bridges, Mike Gray, and T. S. Cook.The film stars Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, Michael Douglas, Scott Brady, James Hampton, Peter Donat, Richard Herd, and Wilford Brimley.It follows a television reporter and her cameraman who discover safety coverups at a nuclear power plant.

The China Syndrome Movie Script

The China Syndrome Synopsis: While doing a series of reports on alternative energy sources, an opportunistic reporter Kimberly Wells witnesses an accident at a nuclear power plant. Wells is determined to publicise the incident but soon finds herself entangled in a sinister conspiracy to keep the full impact of the incident a secret.

Watch The China Syndrome 1979 Movie Online Full Movie

The China Syndrome is a 1979 American thriller film that tells the story of a television reporter and her cameraman who discover safety coverups at a nuclear power plant.

The China Syndrome

Travel guide to filming locations for The China Syndrome (1979), in California.

The China Syndrome Trailer Free Download Borrow And

THE CHINA SYNDROME trailer Movies Preview THE CHINA SYNDROME trailer. Topics movie trailers, suspense dramas, thrillers, nuclear power, nuclear accident, Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, Michael Douglas, Scott Brady, Wilford Brimley. download 1 file . ITEM TILE download. download 1 file

The China Syndrome 1979 Rotten Tomatoes Movie Trailers

A true nailbiter, The China Syndrome is a potent harbinger of the potential devastation that can be wrought when humans attempt to harness an energy source they don't fully understand, an energy

China Syndrome Movies Tv

The Region One edition of THE CHINA SYNDROME is the one which the movie's British fans will want to possess as it includes an excellent two part documentary discussing the making of the movie and its subsequent impact, particularly as the film seemed to uncannily predict the nuclear accident on Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, which occurred

The China Syndrome 1979 Plot Summary Imdb

The two scientists determine that the plant very nearly went into meltdown, called the China Syndrome where the nuclear material heats beyond the capacity of the plant's personnel and safety systems to stop it. Reaching ground water under the plant, the material would explode into the atmosphere, rendering most of southern California

The China Syndrome Film

Co written and directed by James Bridges, The China Syndrome famously predicted America's biggest nuclear fiasco, but its swinging '70s milieu, its news station hijinks, and the caveman sexual politics of its male newsmen all equally anticipate Anchorman.Jane Fonda stars as a spunky reporter aching to do hard news, but stuck serving as eye candy in degrading puff pieces involving zoo animals

The China Syndrome Turbine Trip Scene With Newly

A soundtrack experiment for a scene from the film The China Syndrome. This electronic soundtrack uses manipulated sounds from within the clip (mostly alarm

Watch The China Syndrome

Which is why The China Syndrome received enormous attention, it played in front of a sold out audiences, for weeks. That interest got revived when only seven years later, on 26 April 1986, the Chernobyl disaster happened, more or less exactly like the movie suggested that such a disaster could happen.

The China Syndrome 1979 Imdb

Directed by James Bridges. With Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, Michael Douglas, Scott Brady. A reporter finds what appears to be a cover up of safety hazards at a nuclear power plant.

The China Syndrome Subtitles

The China Syndrome subtitles. AKA: The Silent Syndrome, Power Hungry, Event At Ventana, An Element Of Risk, The System Works. Sometimes it’s too late to tell the truth.. While doing a series of reports on alternative energy sources, an opportunistic reporter Kimberly Wells witnesses an accident at a nuclear power plant. Wells is determined to publicise the incident but soon finds herself

The China Syndrome Cast And Crew Cast Photos And Info

Featured Movie News. Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing The China Syndrome near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO Get $5 Off Towards a Movie Download. when you purchase 3 participating Suave products 9 1 10 31 at Walmart or Walmart. . SEE DETAILS.

The China Syndrome Soundtrack 1979

The China Syndrome soundtrack from 1979, posed by Michael Small. Released by Intrada in 2009 (Special Collection Vol. 110) containing music from The China Syndrome (1979).

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